We offer first class production and post production services to the film and television industry at a competitive rate.
Our studio boasts discrete editing facilities, audio post production and full 4k colour correction all under one roof.
A complete post facility is available to hire to edit and or complete your production as it suites.
path to paris
Our responsibilities on this production included Graphic Art Direction, Logo design, Title Sequence, Motion Graphics.
Our responsibilities on this production included Graphic Art Direction, Logo design, Title Sequence Design and editing, Motion Graphics, additional graphic elements for RTE Player for Brick Films
Horizon Tokyo
Our responsibilities on this production included - Art Direction, 2/3D Visualisation, Logo Design, Motion Graphics, Title Sequence Design, Transitions, Additional Graphic Templates.
Motion Graphics and 3D Animation Packages.
Let us create bespoke title sequences, to give your show a cohesive look and a strong visual aesthetic. Add motion graphics, 3D animations, breaking down complex topics and engaging your audience.
Our responsibilities on this production included Graphic Art Direction, Online, Colour Correction, Logo design, Title Sequence Design, Motion Graphics, Delivery to broadcast for Red Shoe productions.
Typical broadcast graphic packages include, logo design, title sequence design from concept to delivery, in show sequence animation, pre-title sequence editing, add bumpers, stings and credits role.
Building Ireland
Our responsibilities on this production included: Art Direction, 2/3D Visualisation, Logo Design, Motion Graphics, Digital Rostrum, Title Sequence Design, serviced production office space.

Production And Post Production as a Service
With a team of professionals on staff, we can help you all the way from pre-production to delivery.
From assisting with visual treatments and production scheduling to sourcing locations, and crew. To filming on your choice of camera and record location sound to a high specification.
We edit, grade and mix productions for TV and film, utilising our shared production server, which powers our 4K colour correction and full audio post facilities.
Our responsibilities on this production included Art Direction, 2D Visualisation, Logo Design, Motion Graphics, Pre-title Sequence Design. Serviced production offices. Produced for Tough Field films.
The Hardest Harvest
"I have pleasant memories of all that has passed; and every now and again they visit me, and they will keep me company until the end." Suanscéal, a visually beautiful, delicately told, tale of a young boy’s need for companionship and an old man’s need to leave his legacy.
Written & Directed by Colm Ó Foghlú. Produced by Opus Eille and Design For Life. Production and Post Production Design for Life including edit, VFX, sound, grade and delivery.
Suanscéal - Short Film (Irish Language)
Our responsibilities on his production included, Graphic Art Direction, Logo Design, Title Sequence Design, Lower Thirds for Red Shoe productions.
Graphic Package included - Logo Design, Opening sequence design, add bumpers, pre-role editing, all episodes.
Our responsibilities on this production included Logo Design, Title Sequence Design, 3D Animation, Illustrated Sequences Animations for Esras Films.
Hollywood in Éirinn
Our responsibilities on this production included Title Sequence Design. 3D Animation. Logo Design. for Seabed Productions.
Our responsibilities on this production included Graphic Art Direction, Opening Sequence, 3D Animation and Modelling. Transitions, Add Bumpers. For Red Shoe Productions.
Gradam Céoil